Interesting facts about william byrd composer biography

What patent was william byrd granted.

Interesting facts about william byrd composer biography

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  • William Byrd

    Composer of the Elizabethan era, one of the greatest English musicians
    Country: Great Britain

    1. William Byrd: Biography of an Elizabethan Composer
    2. Monopoly and Patronage
    3. Legacy and Works
    4. William Byrd passed away in Stondon-Massy on July 4,

    William Byrd: Biography of an Elizabethan Composer

    Early Life and Career

    Very little is known about William Byrd's childhood and early years of musical development.

    On February 27, , he was appointed as the organist of Lincoln Cathedral, and on February 22, , he became a singer in the Royal Chapel in London. Byrd held both positions until December , after which he left Lincoln and seemingly settled in London.

    In the collection of sacred songs called Cantiones Sacrae, which he co-published with Thomas Tallis in , Byrd was mentioned as a court organist, as well as in his own publications of sacred music (, , , and ). However, he was not listed as an organist in any official records.

    Monopoly and Patronage