Professor j schulze biography of william hill
Professor j schulze biography of william hill1...
Professor j schulze biography of william hill
History of Photography
Events in the s
Kodak Brownie : Kodak introduces the Brownie camera, a low cost and extremely simple-to-use camera which brings photography to the masses.
It enables anyone to become a photographer and goes on to be one of the most popular consumer cameras of the 20th century.
Ansel Adams (USA) Born : Ansel Adams was born in San Francisco. Noted for his development of the Zone System, a highly precise method of exposing, developing, and printing B&W images.
His epic photographs of the American West - most especially Yosemite National Park - have come to symbolize the sheer enormity and beauty of America to people the world over.
Biography of william shakespeare
(d. )
Leni Riefenstahl (Germany) Born : Known by many as the "Mother of the Documentary" her photography and cinematography work is also hailed as the hallmark of propaganda filmmaking. Controversy swirls about her name even to this day.
Was she a Nazi sympathizer or a documentary and art filmmaker? She claims to have been